Top Medical Reasons For Grooming Your Dog
Medical Reasons For Grooming Your Dog
Keeping your dog healthy means paying regular attention to bathing,
grooming and brushing. Even dogs with short hair will benefit from this often
overlooked aspect of his health. Grooming does more than just make your dog
look and smell nice. Here are the top medical reasons why regular grooming will
help your dog stay healthy and feel better.
The Better To See You With
Keeping your dog’s face free of long hair that can
irritate the eyes will make him feel more comfortable and prevent eye problems.
Many dogs, such as the shih tzu, Lhasa apso and poodle, have long
hair that hangs in the eyes causing irritation and damage to the cornea. Check
your dog to see if there are hairs lying on the eye. These should be trimmed by
a groomer, or drawn up in a bow to keep your dog’s face clean and clear. NEVER
use scissors or sharp implements around the eyes.
Some dogs have a problem with drainage
from the eyes. This problem may have many causes. Check with your veterinarian
to help rule out any medical conditions that can be solved. If the drainage is
persistent, make sure you keep it wiped away. Skin and fur that stays
constantly moist can discolour and become infected.
My, What Big Ears You Have
Those long floppy ears are endearing but they cover your dog’s
ear canal creating a moist warm environment that lacks air circulation. This
can cause your dog to suffer from chronic ear infections that can be difficult
to cure and can re-occur. Cocker spaniels, shar-peis and golden retrievers are
just a few of the breeds that suffer from this all too common problem.
Infections that go unchecked can result in serious and painful ear disease.
Learn how to clean your dog’s ears to help prevent
these problems. Your veterinarian can show you how to clean them properly and
advise you on the use of an ear cleaning solution. Have your groomer shave the
hair from the inside of the pinna (the floppy part of the ear) to allow for air
circulation, and gently remove any hair that may be growing in the ear canals.
Once again, NEVER use scissors or sharp implements in or near the ears. A
healthy ear should look and smell clean. Any foul odour, discharge or excessive
scratching should be immediately investigated.
Say Cheese
Dental disease in dogs is common. Checking your dog’s mouth
and teeth will help you spot trouble before it becomes a big problem. Your
veterinarian can show you how to keep your dog’s teeth clean with brushes and
toothpastes designed specifically for dogs. Your older dog may not think too
much of dental care. If you can’t get him to accept having his teeth brushed,
make it a regular habit to check his teeth for tartar, chipping or excessive
wear, or any lump or bump that looks suspicious. Dental disease can be very
painful and serve as a source of infection for the rest of the body, so check
those teeth and tell your dog’s doctor if you find a problem.
Everybody Into the Tub
Most every dog will need a bath a few times a year. This
need will vary depending on your dog’s lifestyle, breed and any skin problems
he may have. Bathing helps remove old hair, dirt and oil from the skin. The
physical action of being washed is pleasant to most dogs and it may make you
aware of a lump or bump that may have appeared or changed suddenly.
This is also a good time to check for parasites such as
fleas and ticks. Dogs that swim in natural waterways such as lakes, ponds and
rivers, or those lucky enough to visit the beach should be rinsed after every
outing. There are a lot of different shampoos and conditioners for every type
and color of dog. Your groomer or veterinarian can advise you if your dog has
special needs. Be sure to protect your dog’s eyes with a little mineral oil or
eye ointment before bathing.
Break out the Brushes
Between baths, brushing your dog will help keep the coat
clean and free of hair mats. Mats can be irritating and cause skin disease
under the hair. Longhaired dogs require everyday brushing to keep their coats
healthy. Most dogs enjoy grooming and often wait eagerly to be combed. If your
dog’s fur is badly matted, he may need to be shaved. This is a job for a
groomer. NEVER attempt to cut of hair mats with a scissors; you may cut the
skin as well. As your dog’s hair grows back, begin with daily brushing to keep
the new hair soft and tangle free.
By far the most dreaded grooming chore is trimming your
dog’s nails. If you have a young dog, touch her feet and toes often to get her
used to having her feet handled. Older dogs often are very frightened by the
chore of nail trimming and may be completely uncooperative. Despite their
protests, nail trimming is a must. Long overgrown nails often break at the base
exposing the nail bed. Walking on long nails can be painful, aggravate
arthritis and cause the toes to splay. Long nails can curve around and grow
into the pads. A dog walking on overgrown nails is like you trying to walk in
swim fins. Your veterinarian will show you how to properly trim nails and
Mentioning the Unmentionable
Lastly, there is your dog’s rear end. Most dog owners
don’t make it a habit to check their dog’s bottom but it is an important place
to look. Longhaired animals can get feces trapped in the hair surrounding the
anus causing an obstruction. Have your groomer keep this area clipped short.
Situated to the sides of the anus are two anal glands. These glands manufacture
a foul smelling material that is normally expressed when your dog has a bowel
movement. These glands can become painfully blocked and infected. Learn to
recognize the sign of infection. Scooting is often a giveaway.
Your veterinarian can help keep these
sacs empty. And lastly, and most indelicately, your dog’s rear end is a place
to attract parasites. It is easy to see fleas here, and those awful signs of a
tapeworm infection, small white worms that look like grain of rice or cucumber
seeds. Even the nicest dogs can get them. Have your veterinarian look at any
suspicious life forms you find.
This reminded me of another article I read on PetCareRx about pet grooming. But your blog is much more insightful. Thanks for sharing!