Everything You Need to Know About Cat Hairballs
Everything You Need to Know About Cat
Cat hairballs can be disgusting and shocking — especially
if you’ve never seen your cat experience one before. For your cat, hairballs
feel just as bad as they look, so helping your kitty prevent them and
understanding how to deal with them can make a huge difference.
The first time you see your cat hurl a
hairball, you might be pretty worried. He’ll retch and hack and try to bring it
up. Then it will be there — on your rug or some other conspicuous spot — in all
its undigested glory.
cat may look distressed during all of this, but it’s really nothing
serious. A hairball, or trichobezoar, is just what the name says it is: a
wad of undigested wet hair within the digestive tract. Generally, trichobezoar
are not ball-shaped; they are sausage-shaped and are formed when the cat
swallows too much hair after grooming.
As the cat licks his fur, dead hair
comes loose. Because the cat’s tongue has a rough surface made up of
backward-slanting papillae, most of the hair cannot be dislodged, and the cat
cannot spit it out. So he swallows it. Most of the hair goes through the digestive
tract with no problem and is excreted in the feces; however, sometimes too much
hair is ingested and the wad can’t pass through properly. Instead, it
accumulates in the stomach and forms a wadded mass.
Helping Your Cat
When your cat
brings up a hairball, you might hear a sound like a dry cough, or as if your
cat has something stuck in the back of her throat. It also may be preceded by
fluid or food. Your cat might also experience constipation while her body is
dealing with the hairball.
There are several
things you can do to help your cat when she has a hairball. From preventing it
to helping her pass it, cat hairballs can be a much less stressful experience
if you know what you’re dealing with.
The first and
most important thing you can do is groom your cat. Frequent grooming is the
best way to prevent cat hairballs, because you’ll be doing most of the work and
your cat will be ingesting less stray hairs. The more hair your cat has, the
more grooming you’re going to have to do. It’s not out of the question to groom
your cat once a day in order to keep her from developing hairballs. A daily
brushing is also good to keep your cat’s skin healthy and free of any tangles
or mats that have developed in her fur.
Treating Cat
There are several
things you can do to treat hairballs:
grooming. Again, grooming your cat frequently can reduce the
amount of hair your kitty ingests.
products. You can use petroleum-based products that act as a
laxative and lubricant to help your cat pass a hairball. These products, which
are pleasant tasting to cats, can be fed in paste form or applied to your cat’s
paws to allow your pet to lick it off.
Hairball remedy
treats. You can also give your cat treats that contain
mineral oil to break up the balls. Additionally, some pet food companies
manufacture food for cats with recurrent hair or fur ball problems.
Most cats suffer from an occasional
hairball, some more than others. Long-haired cats tend to swallow more hair
simply because they have more of it, but short-haired breeds get hairballs,
Sometimes the hairball gets too big
to pass and causes your cat to get sick. In severe cases surgery may be
necessary to remove it. If you suspect your cat is having trouble passing a
hairball, call your veterinarian, especially if your cat retches for more than
three days or if your cat is constipated or refuses food for more than a day.
Brushing and combing will keep your
cat from developing painful knots, which are often difficult to remove without
the services of a professional groomer. If your cat must be shaved due to
excessive knotting, a veterinarian must perform the procedure, and your cat
will have to be anesthetized.
You can keep your cat from having a
“bad hair day” by regularly brushing and combing his hair. Cats have many types
of coats, but all of them need to be brushed and combed.
Some short-haired cats, such as the
Bengal or Russian Blue, have sleek hair that’s flat against their bodies.
Short-haired cats, such as the Exotic or Manx, have thick hair with dense or
cottony undercoats. Long-haired cats, such as the Turkish Angora or Norwegian
Forest cat, have soft, silky hair that is easy to brush and comb while others,
such as the Persian, have coarse hair with an undercoat that knots up more
frequently. Some cats, such as the Devon or Selkirk Rex, have curly hair. Even
though you’ll never have to give a curly cat a perm or put his hair up in
rollers, you’ll still have to brush and comb him regularly.
Grooming helps minimize the
formation of hairballs — hair that a cat ingests as he washes himself. If
a hairball lodges in your cat’s digestive tract, it may require surgery to
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